Prayer Requests
If you have a prayer concern that you would like for us to be in prayer for, please fill out a prayer request and place it in the offering box and we will be glad to pray over that request.
Bi-Monthly Prayer Guide
Please join with us in praying for the various ministries and ministry partnerships that we have here at the church. Together, we can lift up the specific prayer requests for our ministries and pray together as a unified church. Make this prayer guide a part of your regular prayer time, praying over a section at a time, praying over this prayer guide in your small groups, or any other time you feel led to pray for our church.
Please click here to access a copy of our September and October Prayer Guide
Please click here to access a copy of our November and December Prayer Guide
Bless Every Home
Through our partnership with the Southern Baptist Churches of Virginia, we have an opportunity to utilize a powerful new tool called Bless Every Home, to help us be reminded to pray for our neighbors. Through Bless Every Home, you can sign up to be a light in your neighborhood and will be reminded each day of specific neighbors that you can be in prayer for, care for, share the Gospel with, and disciple. To sign up to be a light in your community, please visit Bless Every Home and find out how you can take advantage of this opportunity to show the love of Christ to your neighbors.