Christ has created us by a covenant to be His people. The Bible calls the church the “bride” and “body” of Christ. We are not just individuals. We are a people made for God. To fulfill our calling, we form assemblies, called churches, which covenant together to be the body of Christ for each other, the world, and the glory of God. A primary reason why it is fitting for local churches to be formed as covenant communities, is so believers can be the church for each other. Churches in the Bible are primarily emphasized as local, visible congregations. The term “covenant” simply means “formal agreement,” “solemn promise,” or “public commitment.” When we describe church membership as a covenant to a local community of believers, we are simply saying that by becoming a member of a particular church, we are not simply entering into rights and privileges but we are assuming certain responsibilities and obligations. We are united under a specific, shared purpose with mutual promises. We share responsibility and accountability. Covenant membership fosters a greater sense of ownership of the mission of the local church, it clarifies the roles and responsibilities of church leaders, and it protects the integrity and reputation of the church.
Official Statement of Faith:
Baptist Faith and Message 2000
Constitution and By-Laws:
Constitution and By-Laws
Membership Covenant:
NRBC Membership Covenant
Attend Connect Class. Connect Class is taught in two parts, usually on the second and third Sunday of each month. It is designed to teach you who we are and what we believe and value as a church. Additionally, you will learn about our church's ministries and how you can join us as a covenant member.
Meet with an elder. After you attend Connect Class, you will be given a membership application and assigned to one of our elders for a follow-up meeting. When you meet with one of our elders, bring the completed application with you, and we will review it with you. We want to hear your story, how you came to know the Lord, how you may fit into the life and ministry of NRBC, and answer any questions you may have about the church. We will also ask if you have read and affirm/understand the documents listed above (Statment of Faith, Constitution and By-Laws, and Church Covenant).
Church Approval. Once you meet with the elder assigned to you and review the membership application, he will present it to the rest of the elders for consideration. The elders present prospective members to the church for a vote at any of our quarterly members' meetings.
Ways to Join:
There are three ways to join the church.
- Transfer of Letter - This is used if you are transferring your membership from another Southern Baptist Church
- Statement of Faith - This is the method if you have already been baptized by immersion as a professing believer of Jesus Christ by a like-minded church (not a Southern Baptist Church) and affirm our statement of faith and church covenant.
- Believers Baptism - If you are a professing believer in Jesus Christ and have not yet been baptized by immersion as a believer, your membership will be voted on "pending baptism."