The Word and the Wicked
August 20, 2023 Preacher: Ryan Brice Series: Psalms
Passage: Psalm 119:113–120
Main Idea: The good Word tells us all we need to know about the wicked.
The Double-minded Nature of the Wicked – v.113,114
- Joshua 24:14–18, 23, 24
- 1 Kings 18:20, 21, 39
- Romans 1:18–23
- Romans 2:12–16
The Discernment of the Wise Concerning the Wicked – v.115-117
- Psalm 1:1–3
The Destruction of the Wicked – v.118-120
- Psalm 1:4–6
- Matthew 13:24–30
So What?
- We must reject the ways of the wicked and warn them of God’s judgment.
- Ezekiel 33:7–9
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